Part of the extensive development works on the interiors of a factory conversion in São Paulo resulted in the creation of two grand, contemporary spaces that welcome guests and set the tone of their upcoming experience.

Nöra’s development, contract and production team have team up with our architects to define the moment when visitors arrive and navigate through the building. Challenged by the necessity of creating a two-step journey the outcome was then to provide two moments of arrival: one that sets the tone and another that establishes the company concept.

A sense of arrival is critical. Done well, the guests are reassured and excited about their visit. The first room is very sharp and edgy with stretched geometry. All items including the oversized and futuristic ceiling lights are bespoke and immediately points to the careful attention to detail.

The second room welcomes at a much softer, spacious and loungy environment where guests sit under a large installation of an organic mesh structure that resembles plants. Colours are carefully chosen in warm highlights of aubergine tones and complemented by the classic clock collection from George Nelson.

Filed under: Design, Developments
Tags: Factory conversion, Interior, Sense of Arrival